Kapotski launched K.I.S.R.T.S. 2008, a.k.a. the Kapotski International Shopdrop Record Tracking System, at ‘the game is up’ festival at the Vooruit. It sounds like a bit of a mouthful, but it’s a simple and fun concept.
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[mp3player width=290 height=60 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml playlist=k-i-s-r-t-s.xml]
Kapotski distributed 500 vinyl records in music stores worldwide. The records are free of charge for anyone who is lucky enough to find them and features recordings of the ‘Emieltapes’, the improvisation sessions Kapotski held end 2006 in the Vooruit with Isolde Lasoen, Mauro Pawlowski, Jean-Marie Aerts, Fréderic Le Junter, Steven De bruyn & DJ Serhatullah Killa .
And that story continues on kisrts.vooruit.be… Each one of these records carries a unique code which allows the owner to log in on the site and tell the world where the records are… If things go well you’ll be able to view the path travelled by the records from march 2008 up untill … .
A big thanks to everyone who helped us with this project! Visit K.I.S.R.T.S